We recently attended the Police Fleet Expo, August 15-16 in Charlotte. It was a tremendously successful event at which we met hundreds of attendees.The buzz in the air at the Charlotte Convention Center was about the New Single Cell we designed for the Ford Police Interceptor Sedan.
Jotto Desk PI Sedan Single Cell - Prisoner Area
From start to finish - our booth was full of attendees responsible for their departments fleets. We heard from dozens of agencies - in attendance for the sole purpose of discovering what equipment to put into their new PI Sedans. The consensus was "The Jotto Desk Single Cell was the best solution they had seen"! Many had tried the "traditional partition" and were left needing more room...both for a prisoner and the driver. They realized that the time had come to stop just doing what had always been done. That thinking outside the box was going to be the new way with this vehicle.
With the Jotto Desk Single Cell - one key factor pointed out by attendees - is that the driver has 100% of the OEM seat operation - full adjustment of seat travel/recline. It's their office...so why not allow them the most comfort possible? The second key factor is that without question, the Single Cell provides the most room for a prisoner in the industry. If you are looking at going to the Ford PI Sedan or have done so recently, then you owe it to yourself to check out the Solution that eliminates two issues.
Each Ford Police Interceptor Sedan Single Cell includes:
- Front Divider
- Center Divider
- Passenger Side Window Armor
- Passenger Side ABS Door Panel
- PI Sedan ABS BioSeat, Seat Belt Extenders & Floor Pan
Even Large Prisoners Fit Comfortably and Safely Into Jotto Desk's Single Cell for Ford PoIice Interceptor Sedan. |
As the market's "Total Solutions Provider" (TSP), Jotto Desk continues to advance its' product line and reputation as the industry leader in public safety equipment. Jotto Desk works to redefine the mobile workspace and expand its' portfolio of high quality products and ability to deliver maximum value to customers. As your Total Solutions Provider, Jotto Desk is able to ensure that all products we manufacture will work together seamlessly from installation to application.